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Business Pitch Application Request

Please fill out the form below to enter the 2024 Project OpportunitySM Business Pitch.

The form is below, or click here.

The Start-Up Application package includes:

  1. Submit a complete business plan in the exact format provided in the outline attached.
  2. Financials spreadsheet in attachments must include:
    1. 2024 P&L
    2. 2025 Cash Flow Projections
    3. 2025 Sales/Revenue Projections
  3. Submit the following
    1. Verification of business insurance (not the entire policy)
    2. Resume of Founder
    3. Identification of key team members (BAIL)
    4. Licenses (if applicable)
    5. Trademarks and patent registrations (if applicable)
    6. Capabilities Statement
  4. Submit a detailed list of funding being requested, how it will be utilized, the benefit it will have to your business growth, and the economic or social impact on your community.
  5. Submit a summary of your business journey and the status of your business operations.

The Growth Application package includes:

  1. Submit a complete business plan in the exact format provided in the outline attached.
  2. Financials spreadsheet in attachments must include:
    1. 2023 & 2024 P&L
    2. 2025 and 2026 Cash Flow Projections
    3. 2025 and 2026 Sales/Revenue Projections
  3. Submit the following
    1. Verification of business insurance (not the entire policy)
    2. Resume of Founder
    3. Identification of key team members (BAIL)
    4. Licenses (if applicable)
    5. Trademarks and patent registrations (if applicable)
    6. Capabilities Statement
  4. Submit a detailed list of funding being requested, how it will be utilized, the benefit it will have to your business growth and the economic or social impact on your community.
  5. Submit a summary of your business journey and the status of your business operations.

Growth businesses are defined as businesses established for more than 12 months, have revenue and customers, and are focused on growth through new products or services and refinement and systemizations.

  • For the year 2024 we will have two separate categories to choose from. You must choose one as part of your application process.
  • Please paste your full url.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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