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Project OpportunitySM partners with the VA Maryland Health Care System’s Vocational Rehabilitation Service.

To read the original article please click here to go to the Maryland VA Website.

Graduating Class: First Row Left to Right: John Way, Aris Dennard, Alfonso Ricks, Rodney Remson, Jr., Phillip Scott Second Row Left to Right: Devin Moss, Daniel Braswell, Talford Greene, Ronald Kelly, Larry Betz Not Pictured: Vincent Batteast, Sr., Craig Bush, Mary Heyward, Herbert Sowe

Project OpportunitySM recently partnered with the VA Maryland Health Care system and presented our 2017 Project OpportunitySM Graduation, Baltimore – Spring, for the first time in Baltimore, MD. The collaboration was funded by the VA Maryland Health Care System’s Mental Illness Research Education Clinical, Center (MIRECC), and provided the 10 week, 30-hour course to 14 Veterans at the Baltimore VA Medical Center.

Please continue to the Teaching Entrepreneurship article on the VA Maryland Health Care website to read the full scope and details for this project.