Project OpportunitySM – Featured Success Story

Nicholas Plazio - Alpha Bravo First Aid

Nicholas Plazio

Alpha Bravo First Aid

Business Name: Alpha Bravo First Aid

What was the most important thing you learned during Project Opportunity?:
I learned the importance of delegation. It’s tempting to do everything yourself in the beginning, but in reality it just takes time away from you being able to do what you’re best at.

What successes have you had since completing Project Opportunity?:
I moved operations out of my basement and secured an office in Westminster, Maryland where I conduct CPR training. Demand for CPR training has skyrocketed. When I first started Alpha Bravo First Aid I would get about one call per month for CPR training. Now I get calls every day from businesses requesting me to teach at their company, nurses who need recertified for their job and families that just want to be prepared for an emergency.