Adrienne Somerville Consulting Group, LLC

Somerville Consulting Group, LLC

Business Information:

Name: Somerville Consulting Group, LLC
County Location: Charles County
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (202) 932-6767

Project OpportunitySM Information: Adrienne Somerville, Southern Maryland Fall 2019 Class

Business Description:

Perform Talent Management Readiness Reviews to ensure companies recruit, retain and redeploy the right technical and leadership talent at the right time to deliver the best results. We increase employee engagement and performance; reduce the turnaround time to recruit talent; retain talent and improve retention rates; align to company’s strategy; define consistent criteria across all technical areas; identify specific skills to assess workforce proficiencies; and target training dollars.

Additional Business Owner Information:

  • Supply Corp Officer, Naval Reserves,
  • NRCC Naples, Washington, DC Detachment